Asghar Qadir
Ruffini-Arguelles-Rueda (RAR) proposed that a self-gravitating gas of degenerate
massive sterile neutrinos (or neutralinos) that forms a fully degenerate core, could not only explain the supermassive black holes that lie at the cores of galaxies (some of which date to very early times) but also provide the dark matter. Here we suggest that baryons would also fall into the gravitational wells of the degenerate cores at early times and leave an imprint on the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We provide a calculation of the capture of the baryons in the degenerate cores and suggest that the resultant imprint on the CMB could provide a test of the RAR model.
Primary authors
Asghar Qadir
Aqsa Yasmin
(National University of Sciences & Technology)