
Morning session

16 May 2022, 09:00


Morning session

  • Gregory Vereshchagin (ICRANet)

Morning session

  • Nathalie Deruelle

Morning session

  • Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew University)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Demetrios Christodoulou
17/05/2022, 09:30
Roy P Kerr (Canterbury University)
17/05/2022, 10:00
Rashid Sunyaev (Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
17/05/2022, 10:30
Pascal Chardonnet
17/05/2022, 11:30
Demetrios Christodoulou
17/05/2022, 12:00
Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew University)
17/05/2022, 12:05
Peter Predehl (Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik)
17/05/2022, 12:10
Prof. Rashid Sunyaev (Space Research Institute (IKI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton)
17/05/2022, 12:15
Bing Zhang (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
18/05/2022, 09:00


Building timetable...