Morning session
- Gregory Vereshchagin (ICRANet)
Morning session
- Nathalie Deruelle
Morning session
- Tsvi Piran (The Hebrew University)
I recall the beginning of Remo’s remarkable career through three meetings/schools we have attended together: Bologna University 1967, Brandeis Summer School 1968, and Les Houches Summer School 1972
According to the Collapsar model, Long GRBs arise during a collapse of a massive star. The collapsing core produces a jet that penetrates the stellar envelope and the gamma-rays are generated once the jet is well outside the star. The jet propagation inside the stellar envelope is not simple. The interaction of the jet with the envelope dissipates the jet energy (as long as the jet is within...
Since I arrived in Italy in 2006 as a graduate student, Remo Ruffini has been a constant guide for me in relativistic astrophysics. In this talk, I recall some of the most important scientific achievements we have been engaged in together. In essence, a new way of looking at relativistic stars, a new way of looking at the gamma-ray bursts and related transient high-energy phenomena, and a new...
ICRANet activities in Armenia will be presented. I will discuss the recent progress in multiwavelength and multimessenger observations of blazars and the current status of the theoretical models applied to model their emission.
One longstanding mystery in bio-evolution since Darwin’s time is the origin of the Cambrian explosion that happened around 540 million years ago (Mya), where an extremely rapid increase of species occurred. Here we suggest that a nearby GRB event 500 parsecs away, which should occur about once per 5 Gy, might have triggered the Cambrian explosion. Due to a relatively lower cross section and...
Remo likes 50 year anniversaries although is always not too concerned with the number of years being exactly 50, but this year 2022 is exactly the 50th anniversary of our meeting at Princeton in the spring of 1972, which completely changed the rest of my life and led to my adoption by Italy and a second life based in Rome filled with so many positive personal relationships.
Greetings to Prof. Ruffini, in representation of the Mayor of Nice, H.E. Christian Estrosi by Agnès RAMPAL (Adjointe to the Mayor of Nice) and by Xavier LATOUR (Vice-président de la Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur)
The correlation between spectral peak energy, Ep,i , and isotropic-equivalent total radiated energy, Eiso, referred to as "Amati relation" in the scientific literature, is one of the most relevant and investigated properties of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) , with strong implications for prompt emission physics, identification and understanding of different sub-classes, using these phenomena for...
I will give an overview and show the latest developments about the physical ingredients and associated observables of the binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) scenario of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). In particular, I focus on the role of the newborn neutron star (newNS) formed in the core-collapse supernova (SN) of the carbon-oxygen (CO) star, the NS binary companion, and the black hole (BH) formed...
The binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model has been successfully applied to explain the observed properties of multi-band gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) for many years. Here we report the spectral properties of the prompt emission of 21 BdHN bursts and their multi-wavelength afterglow properties.
In astrophysics optically thick electron-positron plasma is a source of emission from compact objects. Attempts to create relativistic plasma are made in large projects such as ELI and XCELS. Short time-scales of variability and non-thermal spectra of observed radiation in astrophysical sources, as well as small spatial dimensions in laboratory experiments imply absence of equilibrium. We...