4–14 Jul 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

W$ boson mass tension caused by its right-handed gauge coupling at high energies?

7 Jul 2022, 09:45


She-Sheng Xue (ICRANet, Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome)


The recent high-precision measurement of the $W$ mass by the CDF collaboration is in $7.0~\sigma$ tension with the Standard Model (SM) expectation. This tension can be relieved if the $W$ boson possesses a non-trivial right-handed gauge coupling at high energies. Such a right-handed gauge coupling induces by the SM gauge symmetric four-fermion interactions at TeV scales, where SM fermions compose massive composite particles. We study the top-quark mass generated by spontaneous symmetry breaking and calculate the $W$ and $Z$ boson propagators and decays. The right-handed coupling corrections to their masses and widths are consistent with experimental measurements. We discuss the restoring parity-preserving gauge symmetries by the SM gauge bosons and composite
particles at TeV scales.

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