Jun 12 – 16, 2023
Asia/Yerevan timezone

Symmetric periodic trajectories of charged particles in Gutsunaev--Manko spacetime

Jun 15, 2023, 5:45 PM


Sergey Tegai (Siberian Federal University)


We consider the motion of charged particles in Gutsunaev--Manko spacetime, which is the exact solution of the Einstein--Maxwell field equations for a massive dipole. In the present work we study periodic orbits symmetric with respect to the equatorial plane. The spacetime is static and axially symmetric, therefore the problem is reduced to the motion in two-dimentional effective potential. We show that the Gutsunaev--Manko solution admits the same types of symmetric periodic trajectories as the classical magnetic dipole problem and study the stability of those trajectories.

Primary authors

Mr Ivan Kichigin (Siberian Federal University) Sergey Tegai (Siberian Federal University)

Presentation materials