7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

Analyzing Shadows of Naked Singularities and Black Holes

12 Jul 2024, 17:40
Sala 17 (Aurum)

Sala 17


Largo Gardone Riviera, Pescara, Italy
Talk in a parallel session Gravitational instantons and black holes Gravitational instantons and black holes


Ms Aray Muratkhan (Al farabi Kazakh National University) Saken Toktarbay (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)


We investigate the shadows produced by naked singularity spacetimes. Most analytical solutions for black hole shadows have focused on scenarios where the geodesic equations for photons. We examine the spherical null naked singularity metric, which is a spherically symmetric solution to Einstein's equations. Additionally, we consider a static, axially symmetric singular solution of the vacuum Einstein equations that can describe the gravitational field outside a mass distribution with a quadrupole moment, and which also lacks an event horizon. This spacetime is marked by the presence of naked singularities. Theoretical studies indicate that shadows can be cast not only by black holes but also by other compact objects such as naked singularities and boson stars. We provide an analytical calculation of the shadows for both types of naked singularity spacetimes and compare them with the shadow of a Schwarzschild static black hole. Our findings indicate that these shadows can serve as mimics for black holes.

Primary authors

Ms Aray Muratkhan (Al farabi Kazakh National University) Saken Toktarbay (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University)


Ms Aiazhan Orazymbet (Al farabi Kazakh National University) Dr Hernando Quevedo (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) Ms Madina zhakipova (Al farabi Kazakh National University)

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