The MG17 meeting utilizes the international network

ICRANet joined the Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) project for roaming of wi-fi users from Asian, Canadian, European and American universities and research institutes.
The service allows access to the wireless infrastructure using own credentials at any institution supporting the Eduroam project.
At the same way Italian and foreign guests whose institution has joined in the project can use their credentials to access to our wireless network "eduroam" extended in MG17 meeting.
For a complete list of institutions that joined in the Eduroam project you can look at this page: Where can I eduroam?.
How to access to the network
The device must support WPA/WPA2 Enterprise authentication.
To use this connection the user should:
- Possess a personal account generated through their own home institution.
- Have verified that his/her own laptop/smartphone connects without problems to the "eduroam" network at their home institution.
Given the international nature of the network "eduroam", it will not be possible to intervene on the user's network configuration, nor generate new accounts or even reset the password.
For any problem with login at eduroam wireless network offered in MG17 meeting, user should contact tech support of his/her institution.