7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

Prompt GRB recognition through waterfalls and deep learning

12 Jul 2024, 15:00
M4 (Palazzo Micara of the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University)


Palazzo Micara of the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University

Viale Pindaro, 42, Pescara
Talk in a parallel session Machine learning in astronomy: AGN, transient events, cosmology and others Machine learning in astronomy: AGN, transient events, cosmology and others


Eric Burns


Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) are one of the most energetic phenomena in the cosmos, whose study probes physics beyond the reach of laboratories on Earth. Yet, our quest to fully unravel the origin of these events and comprehend their underlying physics is far from complete. Central to this pursuit is the rapid classification of GRBs to guide follow-up observations and analysis across the electromagnetic spectrum and beyond.
In this talk I will present a compelling approach which lays the groundwork for a new and robust GRB prompt classification. Leveraging self-supervised deep learning, we pioneer a novel and previously unexplored data product: GRB waterfalls.

Primary authors

Eric Burns Michela Negro (Louisiana State University) Mr Nicolò Cibrario (Università degli Studi di Torino / INFN-To)

Presentation materials

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