7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

Evolution of the long-period pulsars with fallback discs

9 Jul 2024, 16:15
M1 (Palazzo Micara of the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University)


Palazzo Micara of the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University

Viale Pindaro, 42, Pescara
Talk in a parallel session Slowly rotating pulsars Slowly rotating pulsars


Dr Ali Arda Gençali (Sabancı University)


Recently discovered long-period pulsars (LPPs), namely PSR J0901–4046 (76 s), GLEAM-X J162759.5–523504.3 (1091 s), and GPM J1839–10 (1318 s), have rotational periods much longer than those of radio pulsars and other isolated neutron star populations. LPPs exhibit transient pulsed-radio epochs with unusual and variable pulse shapes, similar to the radio behaviors of rotating radio transients (RRATs) and few radio emitting anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft-gamma repeaters (SGRs). The long-term evolutions of LPPs and their evolutionary connections with other isolated neutron star populations provide a significant test for the models. In the earlier applications of the fallback disc model to AXPs/SGRs, the simulations indicated that some of these sources with relatively strong dipole moments could evolve to long periods of LPPs. In this work, we have shown through numerical analysis that the properties of the three LPPs could be achieved by the neutron stars evolving with fallback discs and the dipole fields of conventional strength ($\sim$ a few $10^{12}$ G on the surface of the star).

Primary author

Dr Ali Arda Gençali (Sabancı University)


Prof. Ünal Ertan (Sabancı University)

Presentation materials

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