7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

A New Structure of Black Holes

8 Jul 2024, 15:00
Sala D'Annunzio (Aurum)

Sala D'Annunzio


Invited talk in a parallel session Repetitive Penrose process


Prof. Yuan K Ha (Temple University)


We reveal a new structure of black holes previously unexplored in the 20th Century. A black hole with an angular momentum and an angular velocity has a moment of inertia. It is a hidden property of the Kerr metric. When the rotation stops in an energy extraction process, there is an irreducible moment of inertia due to the irreducible mass of a Kerr black hole. The moment of inertia indicates physical structure. The Kerr black hole has an extended structure with a radius of gyration lying outside the horizon. In the static limit, the moment of inertia of a Schwarzschild-like black hole is exactly: mass × (Schwarzschild radius)^{2}. This surprising result excludes the singularity of a Schwarzschild black hole, thereby removing the various paradoxes associated with the mathematical black hole.

Primary author

Prof. Yuan K Ha (Temple University)

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