Extended theories of electromagnetism and their impact on laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations: Monday block 1
- Alessandro D.A.M. Spallicci (Université d'Orléans - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- Claus Laemmerzahl (University of Bremen)
Extended theories of electromagnetism and their impact on laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations: Monday block 2
- Claus Laemmerzahl (University of Bremen)
- Alessandro D.A.M. Spallicci (Université d'Orléans - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Extended theories of electromagnetism and their impact on laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations: Friday block 1
- Alessandro D.A.M. Spallicci (Université d'Orléans - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
- Claus Laemmerzahl (University of Bremen)
Extended theories of electromagnetism and their impact on laboratory experiments and astrophysical observations: Friday block 2
- Claus Laemmerzahl (University of Bremen)
- Alessandro D.A.M. Spallicci (Université d'Orléans - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Despite the detection of neutrinos, cosmic rays and recently gravitational waves, astronomy is largely based on electromagnetic signals, still interpreted with 19th century Maxwellian linear electromagnetism. But the latter might not be the right tool to interpret any electromagnetic phenomenon. For example, in the presence of strong fields or at extreme scales, Maxwellian electromagnetism may fail and become part of a larger theory, as Newtonian gravity is an approximation of the highly non-linear Einsteinian gravity. Meanwhile, inexplicable observations about the universe are prompting cosmologists to propose either new ingredients like dark matter and dark energy, as part of a complex multi-parametric concordance model, holding to general relativity. This approach leads to 96% of the universe being constituted by dark components experimentally undetected and not foreseen by the Standard Model (SM). Others, unconvinced of filling observations with enormous quantities of ad hoc ingredients, propose new theories of gravitation. Unfortunately, for this option, general relativity consistently records successes. Faced with this dichotomy and the respective pitfalls, a third (complementary) option is the study of the nature of the messenger: light. The photon is the only free massless particlle in the SM, and waves emerge from a 19th century linear theory. Could a different interpretation of light lead to a less troublesome interpretation of the universe? Which are the implications for gravity? Experiment oriented talks are welcome.
Benetti M., Bentum M.-J., Bonetti L., Capozziello S., Dib A., Djeghloul N., dos Santos Filho L.R., Ellis J., Helayël-Neto J.A., Lämmerzahl C., López-Corredoira M., Mavromatos N.E., Perlick V., Randriamboarison O., Retinò A., Sakharov A.S., Sarkisyan-Grinbaum E.K.G., Sarracino G., Spallicci A.D.A.M., Vaivads A.
The ad-hoc dark Universe compatible to GR, faces the lack of experimental...
The de Broglie-Proca theory, which endows the photon with a small, but finite rest mass, is the simplest extension of Maxwell’s electrodynamics. Over the last hundred years its consequences have been investigated both theoretically and experimentally with ever tighter upper bounds being set. In this talk we discuss recent limits/sensitivities on the photon mass from laboratory-based...
The standard interpretation of the redshifts of galaxies is that they are due to the expansion of the universe plus peculiar motions, but there are other explanations, such as the "tired light" hypothesis, which assumes that the photon loses energy owing to some unknown photon-matter process or photon-photon interaction when it travels some distance. Different observational tests give...
Electromagnetism is one of the pillars of modern physics and until very recently was nature’s sole
messenger. The avenue of multi-messenger astronomy in the recent year is opening a whole
new world of observations and promises great advances for science, but nonetheless still relies
on electromagnetic waves as a core component.
Extended theories of electromagnetism impact thus directly our...
Abstract: Stueckelberg solved the problem of gauge invariance
in massive
QED by a new mechanism which is precursor for Abelian Higgs.
It has several implications in Cosmology and we will discuss few of
Based on the Poincare gauge theory of gravity with the most general Lagrangian quadratic in curvature and torsion, we investigate the axial vector torsion-spin coupling. The dynamical equations for the so-called “electric” ${\mathcal E}_a $ and “magnetic” ${\mathcal B}^a$ components of the torsion variable are obtained in the general form, where the helicity density and spin density of the...
The last century has seen tremendous improvements in our understanding of electromagnetism. An important discovery was made by Einstein in 1916, who combined thermodynamics and atomic physics to predict stimulated emission. The quantization of Maxwell's Equations yielded a powerful tool, Quantum Electrodynamics, which produced extremely accurate predictions as well as explained a large...
The Bopp-Podolsky theory is a gauge-invariant and Lorentz-invariant theory of electromagnetism that introduces a new hypothetical constant of Nature with the dimension of a length, called the Bopp length. The theory was introduced by Bopp in 1940, and independently by Podolsky in 1942, in order to cure the infinite field energies of point charges. If one sets the Bopp length equal to zero one...
We study the effects that a $\sqrt{-F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}}$ in the action can have and we find,
Combined with a Maxwell term $-F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}$ it gives a confining behavior.
adding a ¨mass term¨$A_{\mu}A^{\mu}$, a source genrates a Coulomb component with asymptotic strength independent of the charge at the source, the gauge fields produce a cloud of charge, so as to get...
Abstract. Since the work of Kaluza it has been known that Maxwell's equations are mathematically a subset of the Ricci curvature tensor in five dimensions. In the present paper a complete set of equations for the 5D Ricci curvature tensor is described that reproduces both the 4D Einstein gravitational equations and the equations of electromagnetism. The fifth row and column of 5x5 matrices...
The cosmological constant problem enfolds one of the most long-standing issues in physics: the incompatibility between Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity. Within this background, the Archimedes experiment aims to investigate the relationship between zero-point quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field and gravity. Using a highly sensitive suitably designed beam-balance,...
An alternative formulation of classical electromagnetism relying on torsion in metrically flat spacetime in four dimensions is presented. Unification with gravitation is then obtained as a direct consequence of the extension to the more general case of metrically curved spacetime. A propagating equation for the electromagnetic potential is derived and discussed. In the same context, it is also...
We propose a theory to explain the mechanism that stabilizes an electron. We show that the intrinsic divergences that occur in quantum electrodynamics can be removed by casting it within general relativity. The infinities are compensated by the curvature created by the intense energy density of the electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the electron. Using the concept of hydrostatic...
We discuss a possible electromagnetic analog of MOND by extending the recently proposed mechanism of emergence of MOND from quantum fluctuations of spin connection in precanonically quantized general relativity (arXiv:2311.05525 [gr-qc]) to a classical particle in the hybrid electric field that consists of a classical external field and quantum vacuum fluctuations over it. The dispersion of...