7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

Pseudo Redshifts of Gamma-Ray Bursts with a Plateau Phase

8 Jul 2024, 16:00
Sala 17 (Aurum)

Sala 17


Largo Gardone Riviera, Pescara, Italy
Invited talk in a parallel session Gamma-ray bursts and AGNs with machine learning Gamma-ray bursts and AGNs with machine learning


Yong-Feng Huang (Nanjing University)


The X-ray afterglow of many gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) exhibits a plateau phase, which may be related to continued activities of the central engine. It has been found that there exists a so-called L–T–E correlation for these GRBs, which involves three key parameters, i.e., the isotropic gamma-ray energy Eiso of the prompt phase, the end time Ta of the plateau phase, and the corresponding X-ray luminosity Lx. In our recent study, we found that the L–T–E correlation can be used to derive a pesudo redshift for GRBs with a plateau phase. Based on the large sample of GRBs with such a pesudo redshift, statistical analysis is carried.

Primary author

Yong-Feng Huang (Nanjing University)


Mr Chen Deng (Nanjing University)

Presentation materials