The observation of neutrinos of cosmic origin opens a whole new field for neutrino astrophysics. This quest has been paved by pioneering experiments in the second half of the 20th century and is now at the dawn of a new era thanks to numerous new proposals.
In this talk, I will review the continuation of neutrino astronomy following the ANTARES era by providing an overview of some of the planned Cherenkov-based neutrino detectors.
The designs of the KM3NeT neutrino telescope, currently under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as other promising neutrino telescopes such as Baikal-GVD, IceCube-Gen2, P-ONE, and TRIDENT, will be described, and their main scientific objectives will be presented.
Additionally, I will briefly address some alternative detection methods suitable for the observation of extremely high-energy neutrinos, including radio detection and air-shower imaging.