7–12 Jul 2024
Aurum, the ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University and ICRANet
Europe/Rome timezone

Envisioning the Future of Gamma-Ray Astronomy in Space: Overview of NASA's FIG SAG Effort

11 Jul 2024, 15:30
Di Giovanni (Aurum)

Di Giovanni


Largo Gardone Riviera, Pescara, Italy
Talk in a parallel session Future innovations in gamma-ray astronomy Future innovations in gamma-ray astronomy


Paolo Coppi (Yale University)


As current space-based gamma-ray instruments such as Fermi begin to show their age, it is time to think about the next generation and the overall future of gamma-ray astronomy in space. To help start the process, NASA has commissioned the Future Innovations in Gamma-Rays (FIG) Science Activity Group (SAG) to collect information and publish a report identifying future gamma-ray science opportunities and priorities, the detector technology development and investment needed to realize those priorities, and the complementary investments in areas such as theoretical modeling and machine learning needed to fully exploit the data collected by next-generation instruments. The goal is to produce a document by the end of 2024 that will be useful to the broader, international gamma-ray community. We welcome input from anyone interested in the future of gamma-ray astronomy. I will give an overview of the FIG SAG process and how you can provide your input. I will also give a brief overview of the lessons we have learned thus far.

Primary author

Paolo Coppi (Yale University)


Chris Fryer (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Dr C. Michelle Hui (Marshall Space Flight Center) Dr Milena Crnogorcevic (Stockholm University) Prof. Tiffany Lewis (Michigan Technological University) Prof. Marcos Santander (University of Alabama) Dr Zorawar Wadiasingh (Goddard Space Flight Center)

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